
My Sassy Girl 

I’M OFFICIALLY IN LOVE! After a disappointing string of spring dramas, My Sassy Girl (and maybe Seven Day Queen) may just save my spring kdrama season. Ironically, prior to the premiere MSG was the one of the bunch I was the least looking foward to; it was in the I’m-checking-this-one-out-because-Joo-Won-is-in-it category, but now after finishing the first two episodes I adore it to bits and pieces. There are still 30 episodes to go and it can falter midway but for now it’s charming, funny, refreshing and full of hilarious metas and social commentaries. The writer brilliantly opted to set the events of the story during the reign of a fictional king which gives her a complete freedom to do whatever she likes without any backlash because of unresolved historical facts or inaccuracy. 

There is no existing sageuk drama out there I would compare MSG to and the connection to the original movie is barely the sassy female lead but that doesn’t matter because the show is an utter gem and unlike with other currently airing kdramas I don’t feel the need to fast-foward, not even a single second. It comes closest to SKKS with the hilarity of Go Princess Go, but truly this is something refreshingly new in the sageuk genre. Joo Won and Oh Yeon Seo are perfectly cast and the Yongpal PD has come a long way from his Modern Farmer and Miss Ahjumma roots – the cinematography is gorgeous and you can see from each scene that this show is created by people who were enjoying filming every single moment; there is a huge attention to detail, it has perfect comedic timing and never misses when throwing a meta punch. And last but not least FINALLY A PRE-PRODUCED SAGEUK THAT DOESN’t HAVE ANY EDITING PROBLEMS, on the contrary it’s top notch.





today i found out that victor hugo has had more sex than possibly almost any other human that has lived on this planet. 

he had so much sex his biographers straight up gave up trying to document all of his sexual partners. he was reported to fuck up to 3-9 times a day. He had a secret sex diary written in code. He had “official” and “unofficial” mistresses. One estimate was that he had ~200 sexual partners in two years. 


don’t forget that on the day of his funeral all the brothels in Paris were closed because every single prostitute in the whole goddamn city was busy mourning him

Hey quick question what the fuck

the man reported on his hookups in his diary using latin code words and 2 million people attended his funeral, if that isnt balling idk what is

So, when I finish Amor Real (which at the speed I am going should be by the end of the week latest), which period telenovela should I watch next?

Alborada – awesomely insane plot, anther one from “Fernando Colunga in a puffy shirt trilogy.”

Amor Gitano – gypsy medieval love

Chocolate com Pimenta – flappers, evil relatives and chocolate yum.

Gabriela – adaptation of one of my favorite Jorge Amado novels. Also I guiltily want to see Mundinho Falcao (sp? Too lazy to look up) get a love interest as he is my book crush.

Woman Named Milagros – not much idea but poofy skirts.

La Traicion – gorgeous male twins in love with beautiful heroine. I wish I had her problems.

Los Plateados – secondary dude from
Amor Real is a noble robber who falls for his nemesis’ daughter.

Pasion – pirates and the sexy main dude from Amor Real. Hopefully with a cutlass.

Zorro – come in, it’s Zorro!

Something else.


Shows I am watching this week

Amor Real (Mexico) – on ep 42 out of 95
My Sassy Girl (Korea) – 3/32
Padre Coraje (Argentina) – 125/189
Ruler Master of the Mask (Korea) – 2/40
Seven Day Queen (Korea) – 1/40
Still Star Crossed (US) – 1/?
Suspicious Partner (Korea) – 1/40

Btw I hate hate hate the new ep numbering system for kdramas. Hate!!

Also am clearly behind everything due to novela binging.




The best thing about Thor, to me, is that even when the Hulk is actively trying to kill him, his instinct is to appeal to the better nature that he knows exists somewhere inside there.  It’s why he won’t give up on Loki, no matter how many awful things Loki does.

Because Loki is his brother and he remembers when they were inseparable kids and he knows something went wrong somewhere, but he still believes in the brother that he grew up with.

And he barely knows Bruce Banner. They literally just met and Thor is still trying to talk to him, he’s still trying to reach the gentle, rational man that he knows is in there. Because he did learn his lesson, he knows that violence doesn’t have to be the first resort.

That’s why Thor is my favorite Avenger, and why it makes me so angry when people characterize him as stupid and only good for punching things.

