Trailer for the latest ep of Sen Anlat Karadeniz and yes, I know I haven’t seen the last two eps yet, but I have breathing problems when I see the way he looks at her in that last shot, as she’s stroking his hair.







Because Chief Terrorist (who is also apparently a demented shipper*) basically tells Yavuz he has to compliment Bahar and dance with her and then kiss her, or else someone in that room will get shot (and he obviously has a way to carry it out.) And all along he comments on the quality of Yavuz’s moves.


* Yes, I realize he’s doing it to amuse himself and to fuck with Yagiz who he hates and who he knows is still grieving the death of his fiancee, but still – it gives me so much joy to imagine him as a rabid RPShipper who has finally got a chance to play out his fantasies.

I don’t like military dramas but they looked interesting to me and started watching it after seeing your posts. (*lol* If they don’t have a happy ending, you will be held responsible dear @dangermousie)

And this is the exact moment I felt something about them. They have so much potential and great chemistry (imo) But this is not the reason why I started shipping them.

Terrorist guy (who is obviously a pshyco) killed his fiancee and perfectly knew how to torture him so he used this opportunity and wanted him to kiss her.
He had no other choice but to do what he wanted. Otherwise terrorist pshyco was going to shoot people one by one) 

But… everyone could notice that she had feelings for him and this was the reason that made him more miserable. It was all act and he knew the consequences of his move. The kiss would change everything between them.

Yet, even though he was faking it, they looked so beautiful in this scene. 

Yay! I am so glad you are watching this!

I really love the development of Yavuz x Bahar so much.

[spoilers through ep 31 so enter at your own risk]

When their interactions start, you can tell there is a chemistry but he is grieving the loss of his fiancee so nothing can happen. Because she’s beautiful and she shares his ideals and is just generally awesome but he is too busy with guilt and grief to allow himself to notice. And even at the end of s1, when she asks if they could ever be, he tells her that if he didn’t have a fiancee who he lost, he’d spend his time trying to win her heart (and the implication is that he can’t now) and it’s so honest and self-aware and I just loved that the show had the brains to have the relationship breathe and develop organically.

And there is an uncertain but significant amount of time between s1 and s2, and he goes all Captain America growing a beard and working in the woods and I really think some of that isolation allows him to come to terms with things and then he sees her again and what I really love is that s2 develops the relationship so gradually, so imperceptibly, so sweetly that there is no one defining moment. It’s just he heals and opens his heart, both so very gradually, and she loves him back and it’s gorgeous.

Because they enter into that “in name only” marriage so she can stay and work with refugees in the area and, ironically, this allows him to feel safe to unknowingly explore his feelings – he knows the marriage is in name only so he doesn’t have to feel a traitor to his dead fiancee or worry about needing to give too much. They are just good, compatible friends who are together a lot. And very very incrementally, in the safety of that set-up, he opens up and allows himself to love. If you look back, there is no one significant moment he can look back to to go “this is when I realized I love you, or this is the moment I fell for you.” It just is – and soon they cuddle and hug, they kiss, he stays the night (his look when she asks him to stay and his comment about needing a toothbrush and then she produces one and oh his FACE) and, while this show is not the type to show it, it’s pretty clear that by now they are a very real husband and wife in every way. She’s his joy and support and someone he thinks of first when he thinks of someone (his call to her from the foreign jail omg.) And it’s all so gently gradual and so healing and so realistic, in a show filled with crazy plot twists and insane villains, that I have no words for how lovely it all is. 

The only thing I wish they’d quit is the waxing lyrical about soldiers, the flag, the country. Like there’s patriotism and then there’s this. Though the show is on Star TV so I don’t expect that to end anytime soon.

I grew up in a country big on never ending patriotic propaganda so I am pretty much inured to it. I just tune it out or, more often, just skip/ff the moment they start speechifying. It is too much by any normal definition but I suppose I am not the target audience either so…




Because Chief Terrorist (who is also apparently a demented shipper*) basically tells Yavuz he has to compliment Bahar and dance with her and then kiss her, or else someone in that room will get shot (and he obviously has a way to carry it out.) And all along he comments on the quality of Yavuz’s moves.


* Yes, I realize he’s doing it to amuse himself and to fuck with Yagiz who he hates and who he knows is still grieving the death of his fiancee, but still – it gives me so much joy to imagine him as a rabid RPShipper who has finally got a chance to play out his fantasies.

I don’t like military dramas but they looked interesting to me and started watching it after seeing your posts. (*lol* If they don’t have a happy ending, you will be held responsible dear @dangermousie)

And this is the exact moment I felt something about them. They have so much potential and great chemistry (imo) But this is not the reason why I started shipping them.

Terrorist guy (who is obviously a pshyco) killed his fiancee and perfectly knew how to torture him so he used this opportunity and wanted him to kiss her.
He had no other choice but to do what he wanted. Otherwise terrorist pshyco was going to shoot people one by one) 

But… everyone could notice that she had feelings for him and this was the reason that made him more miserable. It was all act and he knew the consequences of his move. The kiss would change everything between them.

Yet, even though he was faking it, they looked so beautiful in this scene. 

Yay! I am so glad you are watching this!

I really love the development of Yavuz x Bahar so much.

[spoilers through ep 31 so enter at your own risk]

When their interactions start, you can tell there is a chemistry but he is grieving the loss of his fiancee so nothing can happen. Because she’s beautiful and she shares his ideals and is just generally awesome but he is too busy with guilt and grief to allow himself to notice. And even at the end of s1, when she asks if they could ever be, he tells her that if he didn’t have a fiancee who he lost, he’d spend his time trying to win her heart (and the implication is that he can’t now) and it’s so honest and self-aware and I just loved that the show had the brains to have the relationship breathe and develop organically.

And there is an uncertain but significant amount of time between s1 and s2, and he goes all Captain America growing a beard and working in the woods and I really think some of that isolation allows him to come to terms with things and then he sees her again and what I really love is that s2 develops the relationship so gradually, so imperceptibly, so sweetly that there is no one defining moment. It’s just he heals and opens his heart, both so very gradually, and she loves him back and it’s gorgeous.

Because they enter into that “in name only” marriage so she can stay and work with refugees in the area and, ironically, this allows him to feel safe to unknowingly explore his feelings – he knows the marriage is in name only so he doesn’t have to feel a traitor to his dead fiancee or worry about needing to give too much. They are just good, compatible friends who are together a lot. And very very incrementally, in the safety of that set-up, he opens up and allows himself to love. If you look back, there is no one significant moment he can look back to to go “this is when I realized I love you, or this is the moment I fell for you.” It just is – and soon they cuddle and hug, they kiss, he stays the night (his look when she asks him to stay and his comment about needing a toothbrush and then she produces one and oh his FACE) and, while this show is not the type to show it, it’s pretty clear that by now they are a very real husband and wife in every way. She’s his joy and support and someone he thinks of first when he thinks of someone (his call to her from the foreign jail omg.) And it’s all so gently gradual and so healing and so realistic, in a show filled with crazy plot twists and insane villains, that I have no words for how lovely it all is. 

Fazilet thoughts

I’ve seen youtube comments that the show should be called not Mrs Fazilet and her daughters but Mr. Sinan and his nannies, and I am in complete agreement. WTF is wrong with Hazim to slap Yagiz for the sin of not following his brother like a babysitter for one freaking day!

SERIOUSLY. Are you on some massive drugs, Hazim? Sinan is an adult man, not an infant who needs constant minding. Yagiz is also an adult man, who has every right to live his own life, doing his own things. I am not even getting into the fact that Sinan has two older brothers – why is Yagiz and not Gokhan delegated solo babysitting duties – because for either brother to have to mind their adult idiot sibling is absurd! 

Yagiz spent the day with Hazan, but that’s not even Hazim’s problem (as he does not know it), Hazim’s problem is that Yagiz dared to have any time to himself at all! For all Hazim knows, Yagiz wanted spend some time going to the movies, or hanging out with friends or taking a cooking class or hell, ogling hot girls in bars. Nah, sorry, you can’t have your own life, go mind your adult drunk moron of a brother. 

But, clearly, as Psycho Sinan says in the preview for next ep, Hazim bought Yagiz to be Sinan’s caretaker and that’s that. It’s so beyond gross. He lets his blood children get away with literal murder (hello there, Selin!) but the adopted one has to be an ideal of perfection and a selfless permanent minder of his spoiled offspring, or slaptown it is. I mean, he learned Gokhan locked him in a looney bin and is all “awwww, ILY Sonny!” Yagiz – ahahahahahahhaaaaa.

I loved Hazan being awesome and unswerving in her support of Yagiz because nobody in his horrible family is gonna be.

By now my happy ending is that the two of them don’t even have to be together, just away from their awful toxic families. 

OMG, here are commandos rescuing a kitten from the terrorists.


Let that sink in.

This is obviously beyond ridiculous propaganda moment but mainly my brain is going Cats! Men! Men holding cats! So, I suppose it’s working.

You knew I were a spy.

I thought you loved me.

Oh God, why are they so delicious! This is what happens when you find out your girlfriend used you to get info and almost got you and your buddies killed.

They are such a mess and I love them!

(Also, awwwww, even after all of that, he wants to know if she was threatened into it. Which she was, with the life of her sister, but she won’t tell him. ILY, dysfunctional maniacs!)